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Biblio­graphy on the Project and its History, Tech­no­logy, and Contents

Phyllis P. Bober: Letter to the Editor, in: The Art Bulletin 34 (1952), p. 253.

Phyllis P. Bober: The Census of Antique Works of Art Known to Renais­sance Artists, in: Renais­sance and Manne­rism. Studies in Western Art vol. 2, XXth Inter­na­tional Congress of the History of Art 1961, ed. Millard Meiss, Princeton 1963, pp. 82–89.

Ernst H. Gombrich: The Style all’Antica: Imita­tion and Assi­mi­la­tion, in: Renais­sance and Manne­rism. Studies in Western Art vol. 2, XXth Inter­na­tional Congress of the History of Art 1961, Princeton 1963, pp. 31–41.

Ruth Rubin­stein: The Census of Antique Works of Art Known in the Renais­sance, in: Collo­quio sul riem­piego dei sarco­fagi romani nel medioevo, Pisa 5–12 September 1982, ed. Bernard Andreae and Salva­tore Settis, Marburg 1984. pp. 289–290.

Arnold Nessel­rath: Census, in: Compu­te­riza­tion in the History of Art 1 (1984), pp. 225–229.

Arnold Nessel­rath: The Census of Antique Works of Art and Archi­tec­ture Known to the Renais­sance, in: Automatic Proces­sing of Art History Data and Docu­ments, Papers vol. 2, ed. Laura Corti, Pisa 1984, S. 83–96.

Rick K. Holt: Inte­gra­tion of Infor­ma­tion, in: Automatic Proces­sing of Art History Data and Docu­ments, Papers, ed. Laura Corti, Pisa 1984, pp. 307–311.

Matthias Winner: Aktu­eller Stand des Census of Works of Antique Art and Archi­tec­ture Known to the Renais­sance, in: Museum und Wissen­schaft, Vorträge und Diskus­sionen eines Collo­quiums 10–12 December 1984 in Köln, Cologne 1984.

Matthias Winner, Arnold Nessel­rath: Ergeb­nisse: Nach­leben der Antike, in: Max-Planck-Gesell­schaft-Jahr­buch 1987, ed. Gene­ral­ver­wal­tung der Max- Planck- Gesell­schaft Munich/ Verlag Vanden­hoek & Ruprecht Göttingen, Munich/Göttingen 1987, pp. 861–869.

Phyllis P. Bober: The Census of Anti­qui­ties known to the Renais­sance: Retro­s­pec­tive and Pros­pec­tive, in: Roma Centro ideale della cultura dell’arte nei secoli XV e XVI, ed. Silvia Danesi Squar­zina, Milan 1989, pp. 372–381.

David R. Clark: The Crea­tion of a Scho­larly Image Databank, in: Image ’89. The Inter­na­tional Meeting on Museums and Art Galle­ries Image Data­bases, ed. Isobel Pring, London 1989, pp. 16–26.

Arnold Nessel­rath: The Census Of Antique Works of Art and Archi­tec­ture Known to the Renais­sance, in: Data and Image Proces­sing in Clas­sical Archeo­logy, ed. J. Boardman and D. Kurtz, Florence 1992, pp. 23–27.

Ralf Biering, Vinzenz Brink­mann: Dyabola — der kurze und konse­quente Weg von einer Lite­ra­tur­da­ten­bank zur Objekt­da­ten­bank, in: Archeo­logia e calco­la­tori 4 (1992), pp. 31–35.

Marie-Fran­coise Clergau: Le Census des oeuvres d’art anti­ques connus a la Renais­sance, in: Histoire de l’art et Moyens Infor­ma­tique 46 (1992), pp. 1–10.

Jaques Thuil­lier: L’informatique en histoire de l’art: où en sommes-nous?, in: Revue de l’Art 97 (1992), pp. 5–10.

Gunter Schweik­hart: Bücher und Aufsätze zum Themen­kreis der Anti­ken­re­zep­tion, in: Kunst­chronik 45 (1992), pp. 49–62.

Arnold Nessel­rath: The Census of Antique Works of Art and Archi­tec­ture Known to The Renais­sance, in: Archeo­logia e calco­la­tori 4 (1993), pp. 23–27.

Beatrice Palma Vene­tucci: Alcune osser­va­zioni sugli “uomini illustri” dello studiolo Cesi, in: Bollet­tino d’Arte 79 (1993), pp. 49–64.

Joseph A. Busch: Thin­king ambi­guously: Orga­ni­sing source mate­rials for histo­rical rese­arch, in: Chal­lenges in Indexing Elec­tronic Text and images, ed. American Society for Infor­ma­tion Science, Medford, New Jersey 1994, pp. 23–56.

Michael Eich­berg: Mit dem Mikro­chip der Antike auf der Spur, in: Max-Planck-Gesell­schaft-Spiegel 1/1995, pp. 14–17.

Arnold Esch: A Histo­rian’s Evalua­tion of the Census in its Present State, in: Centro Ricerche Infor­ma­tiche per i Beni Cultu­rali 6 (1996), pp. 41–58.

Marilyn Schmitt: The Census of Antique Works of Art and Archi­tec­ture Known to the Renais­sance Enters a New Phase, in: Centro Ricerche Infor­ma­tiche per i Beni Cultu­rali 6 (1996), pp. 37–39.

Sebas­tian Storz: Using the Census Data­base: Future Pros­pects for Scho­larly Rese­arch, in: Centro Ricerche Infor­ma­tiche per i Beni Cultu­rali 6 (1996), pp. 59–101.

Hubertus Kohle: Census-Daten­bank in neuem Gewand, in: Kunst­chronik 50 (1997), p. 700.

Edward J. Olszewski: Prophecy and Prolepsis in Donatello’s Marble ‘“David”, in: Artibus et Histo­riae 18/36 (1997), pp. 63–79.

Johannes Röll: The Census of Antique Works of Art and Archi­tec­ture Known in the Renais­sance, in: Humboldt-Spek­trum 4 (1997), pp. 46–51.

Vinzenz Brink­mann: Census of Antique Works of Art and Archi­tec­ture Known in the Renais­sance, in: Hoch­re­nais­sance im Vatikan. Kunst und Kultur im Rom der Päpste I. 1503–1534, ed. Kunst- und Ausstel­lungs­halle der BRD toge­ther with the Musei Vati­cani and the Biblio­teca Apos­to­lica Vati­cana, Stutt­gart 1998, cat. no. 252, p. 523.

Horst Brede­kamp, Arnold Nessel­rath: Census und Pegasus, in: Pegasus. Berliner Beiträge zum Nach­leben der Antike 1 (1999), pp. 5–8.

Joseph B. Trapp: The Census: its Past, its Present and its Future, in: Pegasus. Berliner Beiträge zum Nach­leben der Antike 1 (1999) pp. 11–21.

Philipp Jenninger: “etwas von Marmor verstehen…”, in: Pegasus. Berliner Beiträge zum Nach­leben der Antike 1 (1999), pp. 22–25.

Lois Swan Jones: Art Infor­ma­tion and the Internet. How to Find It, How To Use It, Chicago/London 1999, pp. 62ff.

Vinzenz Brink­mann: Formen der digi­talen Veröf­fent­li­chung, in: Klas­si­sche Archäo­logie. Eine Einfüh­rung, ed. Adolf H. Borbein, Tonio Hölscher and Paul Zanker, Berlin 2000, pp. 68–76.

Ralf Biering: Der Census im Internet. Posi­tion und Ausrich­tung, in: Pegasus. Berliner Beiträge zum Nach­leben der Antike 4 (2003), pp. 161- 166.

Phyllis P. Bober: Before and After the Census of Antique Works of Art and Archi­tec­ture Known to Renais­sance Artists, Florenz/ Villa I Tatti 1999, in: The Italian Renais­sance in the Twen­tieth Century, ed. Allen J. Grieco, Michael Rocke and Fiorella Giofreddi Superbi, Florence 2002, pp. 375–385.

Hubertus Kohle, Katja Kwastek: Computer, Kunst und Kunst­ge­schichte, Cologne 2003, p. 85.

Horst Brede­kamp and Doro­thee Haffner: CENSUS, IMAGO, TECH­NICAL IMAGE, PROME­THEUS: Projects of Digital Art History, in: Digital Resources from Cultural Insti­tu­tions for Use in Teaching and Lear­ning, Munich 2004, pp. 37–49.

Bettina Mittel­straß: … um zu wissen, was sie wussten. Der “Census of Antique Works of Art and Archi­tec­ture Known in the Renais­sance” bietet im open access eindrucks­volle Einblicke in das Nach­leben der Antike im 15. und 16. Jahr­hun­dert, in: Die Akademie am Gendar­men­markt, Berlin 2007, pp. 19–26.

Census of Antique Works of Art and Archi­tec­ture Known in the Renais­sance, in: Sprache, Schrift, Bild. Wege zu unserem kultu­rellen Gedächtnis, ed. Union der deut­schen Akade­mien der Wissen­schaften and Staat­li­chen Museen zu Berlin, Berlin 2007, pp. 35–37.

Peter Seiler, Tatjana Bartsch, Martin Rode: Antike im Blick: Open Access für den Census of Antique Works of Art and Archi­tec­ture Known in the Renais­sance, in: Konfe­renz­band der 14. Tagung der EVA, ed. Andreas Bienert, Gerd Stanke, James Hemsley and Vito Cappel­lini, Berlin 2007, pp. 33–38.

Tatjana Bartsch: “Distinctae per locos sche­dulae non agglu­ti­natae” – Das Census-Daten­mo­dell und seine Vorgänger, in: Pegasus. Berliner Beiträge zum Nach­leben der Antike 10 (2008), pp. 223–260.

Maxi­mi­lian Schich: Rezep­tion und Tradie­rung als komplexes Netz­werk. Der Census und visu­elle Doku­mente zu den Thermen in Rom, Munich 2009 (PhD Diss. HU Berlin 2007).

Maxi­mi­lian Schich: Reve­aling Matrices, in: Beau­tiful Visua­li­sa­tion. Looking at Data through the Eyes of Experts, ed. Julie Steele and Noah Iliinsky, Sabas­topol, CA 2010, pp. 227–254.

Char­lotte Schreiter: [Review of:] Bober, Phyllis Pray; Rubin­stein, Ruth Olitsky: Renais­sance Artists & Antique Sculp­ture. A Hand­book of Sources, London 2010. In: H‑ArtHist, 19.11.2012. [].

Arnold Nessel­rath: The After­life of “Nach­leben”. The Census of Antique Works of Art and Archi­tec­ture Known in the Renais­sance, in: The After­life of the Kultur­wis­sen­schaft­liche Biblio­thek Warburg, ed. Uwe Fleckner and Peter Mack, Berlin/Boston 2015 (Vorträge aus dem Warburg-Haus 12), pp. 187–199, 245–247.

Timo Strauch: Von Fluss­göt­tern, Rosse­bän­di­gern und Tempeln. Auf den Spuren antiker Kunst und Archi­tektur in der Renais­sance, in: Heidel­berger Akademie der Wissen­schaften. Jahr­buch 2015, Heidel­berg 2016, pp. 111–114.

Ulrike Peter: Die Erfas­sung antiker Münzen in der Census-Daten­bank, in: Das Altertum 61 (2016), pp. 309–315.

Birte Rubach: Anti­ken­re­zep­tion im digi­talen Zeit­alter — der Census of Antique Works of Art and Archi­tec­ture Known in the Renais­sance, in: Das Altertum 61 (2016), pp. 289–296.

Timo Strauch: “in casa di maestro Andrea scar­pel­lino” — Die Anti­ken­samm­lung des Bild­hauers Andrea Bregno und ihre Einbin­dung in die Census-Daten­bank, in: Das Altertum 61 (2016), pp. 297–307.