Warburg Institute Archive, GC, Fritz Saxl to Richard Krautheimer, 18.10.1945
18 October, 1945
Dear Krautheimer,
Thank you for your note. I wish we could meet around Christmas, but thanks to the present difficulties of travelling in the States the ACIS has cancelled all meeting, and so it would be at best early next year that I could come.
I am glad that you feel fresher now, but anxious as I was about your health when I first saw you in New York I was already quite relieved when I saw you in Poughkeepsie.
What you say about the 15th century collections of antiques is very true. Scharf has for years collected the material, at my suggestion; but he has so completely turned into a dealer, of a kind that I dislike, that I won’t have anything to do with him any more. He reconstructed i.a. the earliest 15th century sketchbooks from the antique. It is time that somebody, either at New York University or with us, tackled the subject.
As regard the Dondi letters, I should like to get some photographs. Could you let me have the pressmark on a postcard, to save me time?
I hope you both are all right.
Kindest regards,
Yours ever,
P.S. I do not envy Hamburg having Stürup there, but I am very pleased that Carl Georg Heise has been made Director of the Hamburg Museum.